Don't panic if you have stocks with good performance and prices don't rise. It will go up sooner or later. Just have tea and watch a play. Over and over again, you will get up before you know it.I made money today after eating jiaozi last night. If I didn't eat, I may make money today. If you don't eat and make money, remember to eat next time. Do you think there is such a god? Of course it's a joke. If you really make money by eating jiaozi, the 200 million investors, it is estimated that jiaozi in the supermarket can't get it, and even the dumpling wrappers in the vegetable market can't be bought. That's good for Sanquan Food in the end.Preface:
Today's disk was greatly opened higher by favorable stimulation, but it fell all the way, and finally received a picture that was not very nice. From October 8 to 11.8 to today's 12.10, there are three big green lines. It really doesn't make sense Every time it is good, it is high and low. It's only three things, so Wolong thinks it will be high and high today. But it still failed to exceed expectations. Today, most stocks have gone out of the pattern of high and low. If you enlarge your desire a little, you will miss the opportunity.Near the strong support level 2230,
3. Investment is to make life happier and happier. If investment makes you unhappy at all, please leave this market immediately regardless of profit or loss!Like it first, then look at it, and wealth will accompany you!1. Remember that health comes first, family comes second, work comes third and investment comes fourth!